Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Good vibrations

At 5 months old, these are a few of my favorite things (in no particular order):

1. This thing that Mom gives me to put in my mouth (see picture) that vibrates when I bite it! I like to see how long I can chomp down on it before my face goes numb.

2. Skin. It feels really neat to dig my fingernails in and hold on as tight as I can. I particularly like necks, cheeks, mom’s you-know-whats, and my tummy.

2a. Faces. Aside from the fact that they’re covered with skin (see #2 above), they have all sorts of cool crevices for me to stick my fingers in! I’m fascinated by nostrils, mouths (more specifically the inside of the lower lip), and eyes.

3. U2. I have my very own cd. I like to chill in the rocker with mom, listen to it, and stare at the polka dots on my wall when I’m having a particularly stressful day. Very soothing.

Things I am not particularly fond of:

1. Having my nails clipped. Mom seems to torture me with this practically every day lately. I think it might have something to do with 2 and 2a above but I’m not completely sure. She thinks she’s so smart by letting me watch TV while she does it but really that was my intention all along.

2. Naps. What a waste of time. But Mom insists on them so I’ve negotiated 2 naps a day not to exceed 45 minutes each. Nothing more. No exceptions.

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